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Cervical Spatula Eira JS

Product Code: 66220
Product Code: 66220
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The JS Cervical Spatula Type Eyre (Type B) is a double-ended spatula probe of complex shape that is used to obtain ectocervical specimens.

Using the Eyre spatula type B, biomaterial is simultaneously taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, pharynx and cervix, which is then used for cytological and bacteriological studies.

Aira spatula type B is made of elastic medical polypropylene - a non-pyrogenic, atraumatic material that does not irritate the mucous membrane.
This ensures efficient, and most importantly, painless material sampling.

The ends of the working surfaces of the Air spatula type B have a different size and shape, which allows for high-quality sampling of ectocervical smears from the mucous surface of the organ. At one end of the Eyre spatula type B there are two rounded ends:

the first is narrower and longer with a small radius, used to take a smear from the external os of the cervical canal;

The second is flatter and wider, with a slightly larger radius, designed to take a smear from the surface of the cervix.

At the opposite end, the Eyre spatula type B has a narrowed blunt end with a small radius, which has a one-sided extension. With the help of this end of the spatula, biomaterial is taken from the lower third of the cervical canal.


The JS Cervical Spatula Type Eyre (Type B) is a double-ended spatula probe of complex shape that is used to obtain ectocervical specimens.

Using the Eyre spatula type B, biomaterial is simultaneously taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, pharynx and cervix, which is then used for cytological and bacteriological studies.

Aira spatula type B is made of elastic medical polypropylene - a non-pyrogenic, atraumatic material that does not irritate the mucous membrane.
This ensures efficient, and most importantly, painless material sampling.

The ends of the working surfaces of the Air spatula type B have a different size and shape, which allows for high-quality sampling of ectocervical smears from the mucous surface of the organ. At one end of the Eyre spatula type B there are two rounded ends:

the first is narrower and longer with a small radius, used to take a smear from the external os of the cervical canal;

The second is flatter and wider, with a slightly larger radius, designed to take a smear from the surface of the cervix.

At the opposite end, the Eyre spatula type B has a narrowed blunt end with a small radius, which has a one-sided extension. With the help of this end of the spatula, biomaterial is taken from the lower third of the cervical canal.

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