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How to choose and buy an anti-decubitus mattress?
No one is immune from unpleasant moments related to personal health or the health of loved ones. Stroke, hip fracture, diseases that lead to prolonged immobilization of the patient - this is a small list of cases in which a person becomes prone to bedsores.
First of all, we suggest you understand the definition: what are bedsores?
Pressure sores are a violation of the soft tissues of the body as a result of prolonged pressure on certain areas and the lack of oxygen saturation.
The main causes of bedsores:
- Long-term immovable position;
- Overweight of the patient;
- Poor patient care;
- Excessive dryness of the skin;
- Incontinence;
- Anemia;
- Diseases that lead to necrosis of tissues and others.
Bedsores are divided into 4 stages:
Stage 1: Redness that does not go away after the cessation of pressure on the affected areas.
Stage 2: Slight violation of the skin, exfoliation of a thin layer of the epidermis.
Stage 3: Damage to the skin, which leads to the destruction of the layer down to the muscle tissue. Accompanied by liquid secretions. Looks like a wound.
Stage 4: Complete damage to soft tissues. Deep violation, up to the exposure of tendons, bones.
Prevention of bedsores
For high-quality prevention and treatment of bedsores, it is very important to follow some simple rules that will help to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. It is very important to ensure that the patient's position is periodically changed, for example, turning from the back to the left side or right side. Massage of parts of the body that are prone to pressure sores will improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin. It is very important to pay attention to the quality of nutrition and pay attention to proteins that should be regularly present in the patient's diet. A person should take at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
A good help is a functional medical bed. These beds have several movable sections that allow you to adjust and lift the upper body and legs. The medical bed makes it possible to change the static pressure on different parts of the body. Also, these beds greatly simplify patient care.
To date, the most effective way to treat and prevent bedsores, even in the absence of the possibility of fulfilling the recommendation, is an anti-decubitus mattress, you can buy it in our store.
How to choose an anti-decubitus mattress?
Mattresses are divided into three main types:
1. Anti-decubitus mattress of non-compressor type. They have a purely mild prophylactic effect.
- Anti-decubitus mattress made of millet is a popular product, which is a canvas up to 1.5 cm high, made of natural fabric, stitched in the form of rectangles, which are filled with natural materials (buckwheat, millet). Thanks to this type of surface, they improve the saturation of the skin with oxygen and give a passive massage effect. It is recommended to use in the absence of bedsores for preventive purposes.
2. ROHO mattresses are a type of non-compressor mattresses, which are recognized as effective in working with bedsores of 1,2,3,4 degrees due to the principle of immersing the body in water, which imitates a mattress. These mattresses are expensive and efficient. We recommend if the use of the compressor is not possible or there is discomfort in its use.
3. Compressor anti-decubitus mattress - the most effective method of dealing with bedsores and for prevention. The principle is to alternately fill different parts of the mattress with air, which gives a massage effect.
Anti-decubitus mattresses are divided into two main types:
- Cellular anti-decubitus mattress - the most popular and inexpensive type of anti-decubitus mattresses. Works effectively with the prevention and treatment of bedsores 1 and 2 degrees. The principle of operation is to alternately pump up different cells with a massage effect. The mattress makes it possible to effectively influence the whole body, distribute pressure evenly and eliminate the appearance of new bedsores.
- Sectional anti-decubitus mattress (tubular, balloon) is an effective method of dealing with pressure sores. It consists of several sections connected to one another along the long side. With the help of a compressor, the sections are inflated one by one (paired, then unpaired) and effectively massage the body. This type of mattress is designed for the prevention and treatment of bedsores of 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees, that is, the most complex and neglected. The price of these mattresses is much higher than cellular ones, which is also caused by the use of better and more durable materials.
What should you also pay attention to when choosing a bed sore mattress?
static function . An additional feature that is found in cellular and sectional mattresses. Medical mattress with static pressure - allows you to transfer all cells or sections to a fully inflated position at the same time and turn off the massage function at that moment. Convenient for use in places with problematic power supply. It is also useful, if necessary, to transfer a person to a rest mode for a certain time, without losing the preventive function at this time. In the absence of this function, when the mattress is turned off, it is completely deflated; for further use, the person will need to be removed from the mattress and inflated to the working position, then place the person on it again.
Microperforation . It is found in expensive models of sectional mattresses. It gives an additional effect of microblowing and drying of damaged skin.
A/B/C. New technology of the principle of operation of sectional mattresses. More advanced technology for changing the inflation cycles of sections, which reduces the pressure on the patient's body by 33%
CPR. A function that allows you to deflate the mattress as quickly as possible in case of emergency.
Our specialists have valuable knowledge and experience in the selection of anti-decubitus mattresses and other rehabilitation products. If you have difficulties with the choice - do not delay, dial us at (097) 303-31-12 - we will promptly provide advice as quickly as possible and deliver you an anti-decubitus mattress.
Зручний матрац, складається з частин, що нам сподобалось. Підклали під чатини, які потрібно і задоволені. Дідусь лежить із задоволенням, бо тепер ні чого не заажає, немає гудіння від компресора, як попередньо було. У кого є така проблема то радимо, бо шукали такий довго.
Використовую матрац вже кілька місяців, і пролежні більше не з’являються. Дякую MED1 за чудовий протипролежневий матрац! Проблеми з пролежнями залишилися в минулому. Дуже задоволений!
Купила для чоловіка, він делкобійник. Каже, що стало легше на довгий період сідати за кермо, проблеми з попереком пішли. Якісна подушка, вартує своєї ціни. Рекомендую.